Drama Minors Hit Their Mark on Their Future

Kelsey Hundt

Kelsey Hundt ’18 is majoring in philosophy with a minor in drama and is making an impressive mark on Baltimore’s theater scene. In addition to being a full-time student at Notre Dame, Hundt is working as assistant stage manager for Single Carrot Theatre’s production of Samsara and just signed on with the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company with a stage management position. 

Hundt’s relationship with Single Carrot, now in its 10th season in Baltimore, began as an internship opportunity and quickly turned into something bigger. Shortly after her interview for a production internship position she received a call from the theater folks that changed everything. Hundt made such an impression during her interview that instead of an internship, she was offered the chance to become the assistant stage manager for the theater’s final show of their 9th season.

While taking on this position she admits to some challenges, but says her Notre Dame experience has helped. “As the youngest person working on these shows I have to know how to present myself in a professional way so that actors almost twice my age would take me seriously,” she says. “I don’t feel I have any limitations and the liberal arts education that I am being given has allowed me to succeed in roles that I never thought I could manage.”

Stage management is about being organized and responsive, and Artistic Director Genevieve de Mahy of Single Carrot Theatre says Hundt has that, “Kelsey does that work with a lot of dedication while also bringing a sense of humor to her work.”

As for her future, Hundt plans to pursue stage management as a full-time career, but is not limiting herself.

Hundt isn't the only ַȫ student making an impact on the theater world. Brittany Martinez ’18 is serving as a dramaturge apprentice Spring of 2017 at Baltimore Center Stage. She is working under Associate Director/Director of Dramaturgy, Gavin Witt.

Lauren Romagnano ’17 was accepted into the MLitt/MFA in Shakespeare and Performance at Mary Baldwin University and also served as an education intern during the annual international Shakespeare Theatre Association conference, hosted this year in Baltimore by the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company.

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