ַȫ Gormley Gallery presents “Emanations” with artist Edmond Praybe

Emanations is a solo exhibit of recent paintings and drawings by Edmond Praybe, a Baltimore artist who explores the psychological implications of human presence in paintings based on observation, memory and invention.
Edmond Praybe Through the Night, Oil on panel, 36”x 36”, 2017.

Image caption: Edmond Praybe Through the Night, Oil on panel, 36”x 36”, 2017.

Praybe’s current work is an ongoing series dealing with the theme of suburban landscape. The series addresses a traditional motif in painting; the interaction of figures and/or man-made structures within the context of the natural and organic elements of landscape. Praybe’s paintings “reinvent a feeling of the world I inhabit in terms of the formal properties of the material and within the context of an artistic canon which celebrates the union of observation, invention, and memory.” 

“As a teaching gallery, we’re always excited to connect Notre Dame students with artists through the Gormley Gallery,” said Geoff Delanoy, Gallery Director. “Ed first showed with us in Pulse, a 2006 Artscape exhibit of figurative painting. It’s exciting to see how his work has evolved in translating place, people, and intimate objects into a visual narrative.”

Praybe is an instructor of painting at Anne Arundel Community College in Arnold, Maryland. Prior to teaching and upon completion of graduate school he traveled to Europe on the competitive Hohenberg Award. Praybe utilized the award to study paintings from the Italian Renaissance to the modern masters throughout Italy, Amsterdam, and England.

His works have been included in solo, small group and national juried exhibitions throughout the U.S., extensively in New York and the Baltimore metro area. His work has been included in exhibitions at Prince Street Gallery, Bowery Gallery, Manifest Gallery, as well as the art Galleries of the University of Southern Mississippi and the University of Maryland, College Park. Praybe is currently represented by First Street Gallery in New York City.

Through ַȫ's Art Department, Gormley Gallery provides a space for emerging and established artists and engages the community through art.

is supported by a grant from the Maryland State Arts Council, an agency dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive. Funding for the Maryland State Arts Council is also provided by the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency.

Gallery hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday. Free admission. For more information, call .


recent works by Edmond Praybe, painter and draftsman 

On View: October 23 through November 30, 2017
Reception: Saturday, Nov. 4, 4:00-6:00 p.m., free and open to the public

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