Faculty and staff members have a tremendous effect on a student’s career decision-making and self-awareness. Graduates turn toward the learning outcomes of their courses for competencies and skills that relate to their chosen fields. The Career Center can help make these connections.

Talking about Career with your students

The Career Center has resources for your students.

  • Job simulations in which students can test out an occupation’s responsibilities and tasks. Use these as course assignments or suggestions for summer activities.
  • Local, curated career events. Share these with your students please.
  • A reflection that facilitates your students’ meaning-making so they translate their best moments in your course to their individual strengths and interests.
  • An Interest Clarification. Use this powerpoint in your advising meetings to help your students clarify what they are paying attention to and to formalize their aims. This summary helps to create common talking points for your discussions. It can also be a self-assessment for students.
  • Career decision-making tips (PDF) for students who are engaging in career exploration.
  • Use assignments to research occupational information or plan careers even amidst change. Contact the Career Center for more info.
  • An instructor’s primer to Career Development

An instructor’s primer to Career Development (PDF)


Employers need workers that have . A study by Deloitte Consulting in 2017 found that mature companies are allotting an average of 40% of their hiring criterion to soft skills. The classroom can be a place to model and relay competencies. Students are increasingly likely to be assessed for them. Employers are using job simulations, cognitive tests, and AI-based video interviews to score job candidates’ competencies before selecting them for positions.

Faculty can help students to build language about themselves by mapping the learning outcomes of the classroom into competencies and skills. 

A Student’s Career Journey at ÁùºÏÍøÖ·´óÈ«

From their first semester in ÁùºÏÍøÖ·´óÈ« 100, students take career development actions. While they are here, students can:

  • Learn about career readiness competencies and how employers assess them.
  • Learn about career services at ÁùºÏÍøÖ·´óÈ«.
  • Use a portfolio to save their course artifacts as ways to demonstrate their skills.
  • Engage in career readiness programming to increase their preparation.

Faculty Partnership

We value your involvement in the career center. If you would like to use our resources in some way, use this to tell us your need.

Don’t cancel class. Make a sub request of the Career Center. We’ll fill in.