Financial Aid funds are offered to students and applicants who:

  • have a valid  on file
  • meet the eligibility requirements defined by the U.S. Department of Education
  • have submitted required documents as requested to resolve issues related to the FAFSA
  • have been verified, if selected

Applicants must be accepted into the program of study and students must be enrolled in an eligible program in order to be awarded financial aid.

Undergraduate Studies

Type Prospective Students Returning Students
Institutional Aid During admissions process Renewed if standards and deadlines are met
Federal Work Study Based on need, funds available, and FAFSA deadline Based on need, funds available, and FAFSA deadline
FSEOG For students with exceptional need; Pell grant eligibility required For students with exceptional need; Pell grant eligibility required
State Aid Based on state's FAFSA deadline met, financial need (for some awards) enrollment, applications (for some awards) and funds available Based on state's FAFSA deadline met, financial need (for some awards) enrollment, applications (for some awards) and funds available
Direct Loans Maximum amount offered based on grade level, dependency status, and remaining aggregate eligibility Maximum amount offered based on grade level, dependency status, and remaining aggregate eligibility
Graduate PLUS Loan N/A N/A

Other Programs


Adult Undergraduate Students (Including Teacher Certification Program)

Graduate Students Pharmacy Students
Institutional Aid Returning students can apply for the Bookstore Scholarship and Continuing Studies Award Returning students can apply for the Bookstore Scholarship Returning students can apply for the Bookstore Scholarship
Federal Work Study Contact Financial Aid Office for information Contact Financial Aid Office for information Contact Financial Aid Office for information
FSEOG For students with exceptional need; Pell grant eligibility required N/A N/A
State Aid Based on state's FAFSA deadline met, financial need (for some awards) enrollment, applications (for some awards) and funds available Based on state FAFSA deadline met, financial need (for some awards) enrollment, applications (for some awards) and funds available Based on state's FAFSA deadline met, financial need (for some awards) enrollment, applications (for some awards) and funds available
Direct Loans Maximum amount offered based on grade level, dependency status, and remaining aggregate eligibility Maximum amount offered based on grade level, dependency status, and remaining aggregate eligibility Maximum amount offered based on grade level, dependency status, and remaining aggregate eligibility
Graduate PLUS Loan N/A Students may apply, GEI students have it included in financial aid package (subject to approval by U.S. Dept. of Education)
Included in financial aid package (subject to approval by U.S. Dept. of Ed.)