WebAdvisor is a web interface that allows students to check their financial aid file and award.

Financial Aid Status by Term

Display your current financial aid status by selecting the applicable financial aid award period from the options presented in the drop-down list and clicking Submit. will display a form that contains your financial aid information, including an up-to-date indication of each award's current status for the term you selected.

My Documents 

View a list of financial aid documents and their status: missing, waived, received, sent, to be processed, and processed. For example, you might look at this page to see if your application has been received.

Documents Types

  • Missing: These are documents that you need to submit to the Office of Financial Aid that have not yet been received. View Forms & Publications for required information.
  • Waived: These are documents that are normally required, but may not be required under certain circumstances.
  • Received: These are documents that have been received by the Office of Financial Aid. Refer to the status date column to see the date on which the document status was recorded. 
  • Sent: These are documents or correspondence sent to you by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • To Be Processed: These are documents that are under review and will be changed to processed status once complete.
  • Processed: These are documents that the Office of Financial Aid has received and processed for you.

For more information, read the financial aid policies that all recipients need to know.

Missing Document Descriptions

Active Duty Question Please provide proof of your active duty status.
Aggregate Loan Limit Reached Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), the U.S. Department of Education has determined that you have received student loans up to the allowed aggregate loan limits established for the federal loan programs. As a result, you are not eligible to receive any further federal student loans.
Child Support Paid Worksheet Please complete a Child Support Paid Worksheet.
Citizenship Mismatch Please complete a Citizenship Worksheet.
DHS Mismatch Please complete a Citizenship Worksheet.
Discharge/Bankruptcy Issue The U.S. Department of Education's records indicate that you have one or more student loans discharged or you have an active bankruptcy status. Before you may receive additional Federal student loans, you must contact our office at 410-532-5369.
DOB/Name Mismatch Please provide a copy of your signed social security card and a copy of your birth certificate so we may try to match your record with the National Student Loan Data System.
Drug Conviction Issue We cannot process your application further because of issues raised by terms of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988. For information on how to proceed, you must contact us at 410-532-5369.
Emancipated Minor Issue Please provide proof of being an emancipated minor.
Fed. Loan Over Limit Based upon data provided by the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), the U.S. Department of Education has determined that you have received student loans in the excess of the loan limits established for the federal loan programs. As a result, you are not eligible to receive any further federal student loans.
Food Stamps Benefits Worksheet Please complete a Food Stamps Worksheet.
Foster Care Issue Please provide proof of being in foster care.
Grad. Enrollment Question Please provide proof of graduate/professional enrollment.
Grant Overpayment Your financial aid application (FAFSA) cannot be processed until you have resolved a prior year overpayment. Contact the U.S. Department of Education by calling 1-800-621-3115.
High School Completion Worksheet Please complete a High School Status Form.
Homeless Question Please provide proof of the homeless determination.
Household Worksheet Please complete a Household Worksheet.
Identity & Statement of Edu. Purpose Please complete a Statement of Educational Purpose and Certification of Identity Form.
Legal Guardianship Issue Please provide proof of being in the legal guardianship.
Marriage Question Please provide documentation of your marital status. 
NSLDS Default Issue You are not eligible to receive any federal student aid until your default is resolved. Once you have repaid the loan or made satisfactory arrangements to repay the loan, please contact our office.
NSLDS Mismatch Please provide a copy of your signed social security card and a copy of your birth certificate to our office.
Parent Tax Worksheet Please complete a Parent Tax Worksheet.
Proof of Dependent Support (Baby) Please complete a Proof of Dependent Support Form (baby).
Proof of Dependent Support Please complete a Proof of Dependent Support Form.
Selective Service Mistmatch Please provide documentation from the Selective Service that you are registered with them, or that you are not required to be registered.
Student Tax Worksheet Please complete a Student Tax Worksheet.
Unusual Enrollment History Please contact our office to discuss your previous enrollment.
Veteran Question Please provide documentation of your Veteran/Armed Services Status.