Follow these Guidelines

1. Record your presentation. Recordings should not exceed ten minutes. For posters, art exhibits, and traditional presentations, you would be recording yourself (and your visual aids) just as if you were presenting in person. For the panels, a recording of a Zoom meeting which includes all the participants presenting the work is requested.

2. Email your recording to Melodie Barton at

3. For poster presenters, include your PowerPoint image of your poster in your email.

4. Provide a current contact number or email address. In the event that judges have questions about your presentation, we would like you to have the ability to participate in some form of Q&A regarding your work. Judges will review submissions on the date scheduled for Research Day, April 23, 2021, and also through the following weekend. Please check your phone or email during that time to respond to any questions from the judges.

5. Please send all information above by Friday, April 16, 2021.

Presentation Evaluation Criteria


Specific introduction and conclusion

Sequenced material within the body

Cohesive presentation content


Introduction and conclusion

Sequenced material within the body

Cohesive presentation content


Basic introduction and conclusion

Sequenced material within the body is inconsistent

Below Basic—1

Basic introduction and conclusion

No sequence in material



Enhances the effectiveness of the presentation

Correct grammar

Appropriate to audience


Supports the effectiveness of the presentation

Correct grammar

Appropriate to the audience


Not interesting

Partially supports the effectiveness of the presentation

Correct grammar

Appropriate to audience

Below Basic—1


Minimally supports the effectiveness of the presentation

Occasional mistakes in grammar

Appropriate to audience



Good posture

Eye contact with the audience most of the time

Appropriate gestures and expression

Delivered with confidence

Full group participation


Good posture

Frequent eye contact with the audience

Appropriate gestures and expression

Almost full group participation



Intermittent good posture

Occasional eye contact with the audience

Appropriate gestures and expression

Partial group participation


Below Basic—1

Poor posture

Minimal eye contact with the audience

Not enough or excessive gestures and expression

One person participation



Student discusses the reasons for choosing topic

Student describes in detail their findings

Student indicates what she has learned


Student discusses the reasons for choosing topic

Student outlines her findings

Student shows what she has learned


Student discusses the reason  for choosing topic with a few details

Student does not outline her findings

Student  misconceptions are still seen

Below Basic—1

Student  discusses the reasons for choosing topic

Student  does not outline what she has learned

Student still sounds confused on this topic